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Didim City Council Identified New Projects

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Haber İlan Açıklaması

 Didim City Council President Amjadi, kent Council gave information about the work of the new era.  
 Didim City Council has determined that the work of the new era.  in 2012, the implementation of the planned projects include Traffic training, natural food consumption, disaster training, different folk dances course areas for Foreigners 5 aimed at passing the life of the project.  The projects developed by
 City Council spoke about the President of the Council of the town of Didim Amjadi, ' Didim District National Education Directorate and County Police Department in collaboration with schools, we plan to give our students the traffic education.  In this project, our goal, our children, and therefore to inform the families and society by providing security in traffic potential is the reduction of traffic accidents.  This project will be opened Schools are planning the second training period to life, ' he said.  

 Didim Municipality, Didim City Council and in collaboration with the search and rescue Volunteer Association of Firefighters Can Didim in Didim neighborhood natural disasters on the basis of informational seminars that do Alva, said: ' we've had This conversation with the Governor about bey, LMS.  This project will be made Possible disasters in what neighborhood residents will be given the information.  We expect this project to Kaymakamlığımızdan post '
 City Council President Ammu, redirect to the sea and sea sports to students in order to enhance sailing will start their education, ' the District Education Directorate and D-Marin Didim Marina as a result of our discussion Elementary-level students training in the sport are planned giving yekle.  In this project we plan to spend the rest of his life in the second training, he said.  

 The President of the City Council NATURAL FOOD CONSUMPTION
 Amjadi, natural food to increase the consumption of referring to give seminars, said: ' in this project, the municipality of Didim, Didim, Didim City Council and Chamber of agriculture in collaboration with natural food production and consumption in order to support our County held informational seminars, dissemination of our region-specific determination of the seed and will start work on an '
 foreign CHILDREN folk dance COURSES

 Amjadi, foreign nationals who live in the County would launch work expressed in the direction , ' In this context, the Aliens working group together with a proposal for foreign children and children will enjoy the Turkish claims, and shares to be folk dances course we plan to open.  
 These courses as a foreign representative of our culture to teach children Games Eaton Harmandalı.  Other than that, volunteer instructors for children of tennis courses, we are planning to open ' he said

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09-03-2025 03:00:00

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