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Cemal Ergenekon Middle School Was Held The Official Opening Of Akbuk

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Bölge: # Akbuk

Haber İlan Açıklaması

 Allen Provincial Directorate of national education within the scope of the Protocol signed between the Horizon with Concrete company in 2008 the foundation laid and 1 million cost of Akbük Cemal Emi secondary school was opened with the participation of the Governor of Kerem Aydin Al.  
 Our district in Didim Akbuk Town connected beings within Cemal Emi commissioned on behalf of Cemal Emi secondary school Allen attended the official opening ceremony was made Governor of Al's Khan.  Today at 3:30 p.m. ceremony Governor of Ak party Deputy in Al Khan, Aydin Aydin Governor Ersin Emiroglu, Didyma, Didyma Semiha Awasthy garrison commander M.  Alper Kou, Didim Municipality Deputy Chairman A. Thomas Arrowsmith, Provincial Police M. üdürü Thilakaratne Basic, The Chief Prosecutor In Didim, Akbük Mayor M. Sa Abu Rasheed  Eleazar Salas, provincial education Director Pervin, District Education Manager Ertugrul Oconnor, apartments Supervisors, Provincial Assembly and City Council members, political parties and the people of the district administrators, teachers and parents participated in Akbuk.  
 Ceremonial first Akbük Nurullah Kirkwood elementary school folk began their demonstration.  Then 1 minute's silence was made and subsequently the national anthem.  In his opening speech the Governor Ersin Emiroglu Didim ceremony ' our County philanthropist businessman commissioned on behalf of the late Horizon fathered by Ergenekon Cemal Ergenekon school district education was delivered to the Directorate.  In furnishing this school year completed staff created, training started education.  beneficial to our country with 18 classrooms 13 Educator staff auspicious beginning school to cultivate future generations that the white area will serve as high school.  Heaven is a Garden District 6 different donors or their relatives ' names in school. '' he said.  
 ' WE OWE HEARTS Then provincial education Director Pervin Teu is speech myrl referring ' sense of Cemal will live for generations Ergenekon's name for the opening of the school.  
 Thomas kept the society values include fidelity, such exalted values of charity comes to mind.  The sense of fidelity in any environment that is very frequently used in chat and praise.  In this sense, and in the construction of the training activities of charitable Gardner is trying to pay their debts with a school; We also thank hayırseverlerimize. '' he said.  
 Horizon Philanthropic Businessman Emi is in his speech ' my late grandfather's dream and the Foundation of this fantasy want to occur four years ago.  Commemorate himself.  The development of education of individuals is very important; It's good to educate individuals while building the school on the way.  Support us on this journey we get obiri-we would like to thank everyone.  In this school, to his homeland, despite their nationality and Ataturk's principles and the history of the hope the individuals that are bound to grow. '' he said.  


 Ak party Allen is an example of this charity made Deputy Semiha Awasthy when asked ' when A school closes a Prison.  It's really people both his own and the family and the community will help.  Our youth is our future; We are the great grandfathers died descendants.  We take this trust we must protect in the best way. '' he said.  
 Allen, Governor of Khan Al is his speech emphasizing the importance of education ' is the most important value of our country's greatest wealth and children and young people.  Will build our future, our children, our teachers and our parents at first about their training, including as a society, we need to be sensitive to all of us.  Investment in education is very important in terms of the future of our country.  The battle, our hopes will be training.  In this regard, we as a nation State of mobilization training.  I am happy to open this beautiful nest.  Here at first Aydin, Didim and Akbuk from businessmen and all urge to be philanthropic support to education to the school.  The newly opened I wish this training slot hayirli. ', he said.  The speeches Governor Take
 Horizon plaquet to Kerem gave Ergenekon, the businessman.  Akbük Mayor M.  Eleazar Salas is the Governor presented a plaque for their contribution and support to Al.  After the ceremony, the Governor and the accompanying delegation cut the opening ribbon.  Following the opening, the Governor took visiting al school information.  Akbük Cemal Emi secondary school
 Allen Provincial Directorate of national education within the scope of the Protocol signed between the Horizon with Concrete company laid the Foundation in 2008 and cost $1 million.  

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