Ali İhsan Kubaliç, the current President of the Cooperative, who has been the only candidate for the Ordinary General Assembly of the Didim Crafts and Craftsmen Credit Surety Cooperative, has renewed his trust.
Didim craftsmen and craftsmen Credit Surety cooperative was held at the Ordinary General Meeting. Didim Municipality Marriage Hall Didim Mayor Mümin Kamacı, Didim Chamber of Craftsmen and Chamber of Crafts Yaşar Pektaşoğlu, Didim Chamber of Commerce President Ufuk Döver, Aydın-Muğla Craftsmen and craftsmen Credit Surety Regional Union Chairman Necip Saraç, Aydin Chamber of Drivers Chairman Semih Özmeriç, Political Party President, Provincial and municipal assembly members, members of the cooperative and members of the cooperative of the surrounding cities and districts participated in the invitations.
Necip Saraç, Chairman of the General Assembly, and Aydin-Muğla workers and craftsmen Credit Surety Regional Union Chairman. After reading the silence and reading the national anthem, the activity report and the report of the charity fund were read. The reports were accepted by a single voice.
After the speech, Ali İhsan Kubaliç, the head of Didim craftsmen and craftsmen Credit Guarantee Cooperative stated that they were trying to offer the best service as a cooperative and said: 'You are us and you are not satisfied with us, But if the acts of the Applicants for the loan is full on Wednesdays, we have tried to bring our cooperatives in some places, and we will continue to keep it. '
After the speech the question of structuring the debts, which were on the agenda, was discussed and accepted by the vote. Then the election passed. Existing President Ali Ihsan Kubalic was elected as President again in open elections with a single list. A. Kadir Murtaza, Tahir Karaosman, Çağlayan Çakır and Emin Gümüş took part in the new board. Ahmet Karaoglu and Eyüp Elçim were elected to the Audit Committee. Ali İhsan Kubaliç, Tahir Karaosman and Çağlayan Çakır were elected to the Union.
After the election President Kubalic spoke to the members to express his satisfaction that he had been elected for four more years. The voting members of the election were distributed for the 20th year of the cooperative.
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